Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Low Fat is not always healthy

Low fat foods have been advertised for a good decade now as being effective for allowing overweight people to begin ridding their bodies of fat tissue. This could not be further from the truth as there is nothing healthy about these foods. Low fat foods are filled with sugar and are more likely to cause weight gain than weight loss . Yet millions of people continue to buy them because they honestly believe these foods are healthy.

For those who are not well versed on the subject of nutrition it would at first seem logical that consuming low fat foods would indeed be effective for weight loss . This because it would be much more healthy not to mention easier to lose weight by consuming diet to lose weight with the majority of the fat removed. Unfortunately this is not the case as the makers of low fat foods replace the removed fat with carbohydrates (sugar) in order to make the foods reasonably flavorful. Therefore those who eat these foods are consuming an excessive amount of carbohydrates in the form of pure sugar which in no way, shape or form could be considered healthy.

The most popular low fat foods include items such as pies, cakes, cookies, potato chips, ice cream, frozen yogurt and countless other desserts and pastries. Unbelievably the makers of these items have the nerve to put stickers on them which say "healthy" in big letters. It is hard to say whether people are simply ignorant on the subject of nutrition or just want to believe what they are being told which is that low fat, sugar filled junk foods are good dietary choices. Either way these foods continue to be purchased and consumed in large numbers yet as a nation we are less healthy today than ever before.

One of the most important dietary facts to remember is that excess carbohydrates get stored in the body as fat tissue and low fat foods are overflowing with excess carbohydrates. Nobody should be gullible enough to believe that pies, cakes, cookies, potato chips, ice cream, frozen yogurt, etc. are healthy foods that promote weight loss just because the fat has been removed. Meaning these low fat foods are still the pies, cakes, cookies, potato chips, ice cream, frozen yogurt, etc that help to make a person fat in the first place.
Foods that are healthy include high quality protein sources, fresh fruits and vegetables and in order to actually burn fat a dieter must consume the greater percentage of his or her calories in the form of protein while keeping carbohydrates to a minimum.

For more information on how to lose weight and stay healthy, you can visit http://eckee.com/category/muscle-fitness/weight-loss/


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